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Limitless: In every area of life, the power of our mind either pushes us forward or holds us back, not merely knowledge, but the ability to make split second decisions, keep track of complex processes and execute personal or professional strategies, not to mention the mind-muscle connection that is so important in sports and recreational activity. Limitless is our attempt at recreating the power given to the fictional character played in the ‘Limitless’ movie, although teleportation cannot be achieved, our Limitless does offer a sharper, quicker, more capable mind for the elderly, middle-aged and youth.

Uses: Improved mental and physical performance, Forgetfulness, Unease, Overwhelming workload, Mental clarity.

Top Reviews

I haven't felt this sharp since I don't know when! I also note that I feel much calmer since I started using Limitless and things don't hassle me so much' - Esther

'I used to forget words, names etc and this is definitely much much improved. If you asked me what I did yesterday I would usually battle to remember - not any more!' - Jeremy

'I am studying and working and both are very stressful. I have to work late at night to pursue my academic work and then get up early and go to a busy and stressfull job. I realize this isn't ideal but I am prepared to make sacrifices to achieve my goals! After I was told the effects of multiple cups of coffee on my health, I started using Limitless as recommended. It is a fantastic remedy and I can recommend it to anyone. I am much more alert and don't find myself reading the same thing over and over without absorbing anything. I also feel less stressed about everything, while at the same time very clear and alert.' - Patrick

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Detailed Product Information

60 capsules (1 month supply)


Centella asiatica, Rosmarinus officinalis, Panax ginseng, Vegan capsule

Dosage: Adults 16+: 2 Capsules twice daily. Ages 12 - 15: One capsule twice daily. Not for children below 12.

Note: As the ingredients in Limitless encourages mental alertness, this remedy is best taken at least 4 hours before going to sleep.

Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This medicine is not a substitute for medical attention. Consult your practitioner if any symptoms persist.

Caution: Safety during pregnancy & breastfeeding has not been established. Keep this and all medicines out of reach of children.

Contains no gluten, artificial flavours, colorants or preservatives.

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